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|   Case Studies, Healthcare

A turnkey solution for a Sydney Fertility Clinic

NPS carrying out another turnkey backup power solution for a leading Sydney fertility clinic. The generator craned on to the roof top ready for installation along with UPS, surge protection…
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NPS Melbourne on the move!

Natural Power Solutions have moved its Melbourne office from Scoresby to Rowville. The move is part of a business model change where the team will look to partnering and  delivering…
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Eaton. The fifth element of converged infrastructure

Power protection is so essential to the safe operation of converged architectures that it should be regarded as the fifth element of a complete converged infrastructure solution, alongside servers, storage, networking and software. Read more…
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New from Emerson – SmartCabinet™ for Branches

Here is a video from Emerson featuring the Emerson SmartCabinet™ for Branches, a turn-key solution that contains all supporting infrastructure needed to properly deploy IT at the branch. The SmartCabinet offers…
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NPS at the F1 Grand Prix Melbourne

Natural Power Solutions hosted key  partners at the Grand Prix F1 in Melbourne. The Melbourne F1 is the first race of Grand Prix for 2015. Here is Managing Director Mark Sewell (centre)…
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Get Court Up with NPS!

Leading power and surge protection solution provider, NPS, treated customers to an evening at Melbourne’s flagship sporting event, the 2015 Australian Open. NPS customers got close to the action where they…
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NPS Sales Conference

Natural Power Solutions recently held their sales conference in Sydney.  The national technical sales team is seen here at the end of the training. The team design and implement power…