Lightning Warning System

Category: Direct Lightning Protection, Featured Filters & Surge, Lightning & Surge Protection

A lighting protection system provides a means by which this discharge may enter or leave earth without passing through and damaging non-conducting parts of a structure, such as those made of wood, brick, tile or concrete.

A lightning protection system does not prevent lightning from striking – it provides a means for controlling it and preventing damage by providing a low resistance path for the discharge of lightning energy.

The LPI Lightning Warning System is a non-directional lightning detection instrument designed to provide indication of nearby lightning strikes and significant changes in the local electrostatic field. The LPI Lightning Warning System MKIII provides the user with the ability to manage the lightning risk and to fulfil a duty of care to employees, customers and all related personnel.

As occupational health and safety laws strengthen globally, senior management across a wide variety of industries and recreational pursuits are now faced with a realisation that they have a duty to warn individuals of the pending risks associated from lightning. Recent court cases have shown a dramatic change from the once acceptable “Act of God” defence, to a realisation that management now has a duty to warn.

Product Higlights

  • Early detection of lightning activity within approximately 25km
  • “Alarm” signalled when lightning approaches within approximately 8-10km
  • All Clear indication provided once the storm has passed
  • Wireless communication between console and multiple sensors
  • Flexible installations to suit different applications

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